Maximizing and Minimizing Metrics

The Dashboard can viewed in two ways:

  • Tiled: four panel items in quadrants
  • Maximized: one panel item which has been maximized to fill the Dashboard page

To maximize a panel:

  • Click the Maximize button in the upper-right corner of the panel.

To change to the Tiled view:

  • Click the Tile button in the upper-right corner of the panel.

The benefit of the tiled (minimized) display is that you can view four metrics at once.
However, the maximized display shows more information on a single metric and includes provides more toolbar buttons:

These items are:

  • Refresh: Updates the display to account for new, incoming data.
    This is an important function when viewing a metric that uses frequently changing data.
  • Copy: Copies the unformatted (text-only) data to the clipboard on your computer. It can then be pasted in other programs such as Word, Notepad, and Excel.
  • Help: Opens the help documentation on this particular metric.
  • Print: Opens the data as a printable PDF document.

  • Minimize: Changes the Dashboard display to the tiled view.

These functions are also available in the metric drop-down menu, with the exception of Minimize.